Top 10 male health worries

 Men can be shy creatures when it comes to talking about health – especially if the problem is a bit embarrassing.
We look at the top 10 body worries for men and ask male health experts what a man can do to solve them?

Man boobs (gynecomastia)

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Obesity and hormonal imbalances are largely to blame, with men now exposed to greater levels of oestrogen.

According to Nick Mitchell, personal trainer and founder of Ultimate Performance in London, man boobs are becoming a huge problem in the western world, particularly in the last 3 to 4 years.
Obesity and hormonal imbalances are largely to blame, with men now exposed to greater levels of oestrogen.

What can you do?

'You have to ask whether you are too fat or whether your fat is unevenly distributed,' says Nick Mitchell.
'If it's the first, you need to exercise more and diet. The key place where testosterone is converted into oestrogen is in fat cells. So the more fat you have, the more likely you are to have the feminising enzyme aromatase.'
'However if you're one of those men with skinny arms and legs but still have a problem with man boobs, you may need to look at doing other things.
'Strength training can promote testosterone levels, and you can moderate and decrease oestrogens with foods and supplements.'
Nick Mitchell recommends eating plenty of broccoli and watercress, fibre, taking a DIM (diindolylmethane) supplement – a compound found in cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli etc) – and avoiding tap water and microwaved or processed foods.

Skin problems

Skin problems are high on the list of issues many men feel embarrassed about says Peter Baker, with acne in particular an issue for younger men and often a cause of anxiety.

What can you do?

Consult your GP.
'Young men may not feel confident about going to the doctor. But there are many drugs available that can help,' says Peter Baker.
Mild acne can be treated with topical treatments – creams and gels – such as benzoyl peroxide, while moderate cases may need a combination of topical treatments and antibiotics.
If your acne is more severe, you may be referred to a dermatologist.

Receding hairlines

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Thinning hair may be natural, but it can cause much anxiety.

'Hair loss and bald patches are something that happens to most men. But some men feel pretty anxious and depressed about it,' says Peter Baker, chief executive of the Men’s Health Forum.
'They feel less attractive, and see it as a sign that things are going downhill.'

What to do?

'There are various treatments that claim to halt and reverse hair loss,' says Peter Baker.
'Finasteride and minoxidil are two over-the-counter products that can also be prescribed privately by a doctor.
'Hair surgery is also an option – although an expensive one.
'My own view is that most of us are better off coming to terms with the fact we are going bald. There are lots of famous, important, attractive men who are bald, and we should take inspiration from them.'

Erectile dysfunction

'Erectile dysfunction is not a disease in its own right, but a symptom of an underlying issue – including serious conditions such as diabetes and heart disease,' says Peter Baker.
'There's growing evidence that erectile dysfunction is an early indicator of heart disease – and might be a sign that a heart attack is on its way in three or four years.'

What can you do?

'Seek help from a doctor, and don't just lie awake and worry about it,' says Peter Baker.
'Men tend to delay visiting the doctor for as long as possible, but delaying can make a serious condition more difficult to treat.
'Other causes include depression, so you might need antidepressants or someone to talk to.
'Seeking help means the underlying condition can be treated as well as the erectile dysfunction.'

Beer bellies

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Male waists above 37 inches are associated with a higher risk of health problems.

Beer bellies or pot bellies – where the belly protrudes excessively – are due to an excess of visceral fat that sits around the internal organs.
Visceral fat has been linked to serious health issues, such as cardiovascular disease, heart disease and diabetes.

What can you do?

'You need to rebalance your blood sugar levels,' says Nick Mitchell.
'Cut down on carbohydrates, processed foods and don't worry about eating fat from natural sources – such as meat, eggs and butter.
'I go along with the theory that beer bellies may also be related to gluten intolerance – and if that's the case, you should cut out gluten – which is found in wheat, and funnily enough, beer.'
Remember, male waists above 37 inches are associated with a higher risk of health problems.

Testicular cancer

Most testicular lumps are not cancerous, but it's important to spot any changes:
  • a lump in either testicle
  • enlargement of the testicle
  • a heaviness or sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum
  • growth or tenderness of the upper chest.
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15 to 44.

What can you do?

Make sure you become familiar with what is normal for you.
'Regular self-examination will help you become aware of the normal feel and size of your testicles and any changes can be spotted early on,' says Dr Elizabeth Rapley, scientific spokesperson for Everyman, a charity aiming to increase awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.
'If diagnosed early, testicular cancer can be cured in up to 99 per cent of cases. Even when the disease has spread cure rates exceed 85 per cent.'

Prostate cancer

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Symptoms may include getting up and needing the toilet in the night or going more frequently.

Every year 37,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer and one man dies from it every hour.
For men, it's the most common cause of cancer in the UK.

What can you do?

Don't feel embarrassed about seeing a doctor.
'There are no specific prostate cancer symptoms, but many men are diagnosed after presenting urinary symptoms,' says John Robertson, a nurse at the Prostate Cancer Charity.
'They may be getting up and needing the toilet in the night, going more frequently or needing the toilet again after just having been. Less commonly they may notice blood in their urine or semen.'
The good news is prostate cancer is often a slow growing cancer.
'It can often be treated very successfully, so it's important to get to your GP – the earlier the diagnosis, the better the outcome,' adds John Robertson.
Remember there are two other common prostate problems that affect men too: an enlarged prostate and prostatitis.
For more information visit Prostate Cancer Charity.

Sexual health

Sexually transmitted infections among teenagers and young adults are reaching record levels, according to figures from the Health Protection Agency last year.
Men between the ages of 20 to 23 are most at risk, but an increase has also been reported in the over 50s in recent years.
Chlamydia is the most common STI in the UK, followed by genital warts.

What can you do?

Many STIs can be cleared up with treatments, such as antibiotics, so it's important to seek help from places, such as a GUM (genitourinary medicine) clinic.
HIV cannot be cured, but treatments are available.
Remember STIs, such as chlamydia don't always have symptoms, so you should get a screening after unsafe sex and remember to use a condom with each new partner.


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According to Mind, the mental health charity, 2.7 million men in England have a mental health problem – such as depression, stress and anxiety.
'There's good evidence to suggest many men suffer from depression and stress but don’t access services as well as women,' says Dr Daniel Smith, senior lecturer in psychiatry at Cardiff University.
'They can also have unhelpful strategies for dealing with it, such as self-medicating with alcohol, which can have a further negative impact.'

What can you do?

'Most mild to moderate cases of depression can be managed using approaches, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which can help you reassess events in your life,' says Dr Smith.
'More severe cases may need a combination of a psychological approach and medication, such as Prozac.'
Look at lifestyle factors too:
  • cut down on alcohol
  • eat a healthy diet
  • get enough sleep
  • exercise
  • get out in the sunlight
  • socialise
  • if out of work, try to find gainful employment as soon as possible.

Mid-life crisis

'A lot of men go through a period of anxiety in middle-age,' says Peter Baker.
'They find they're not able to do as much as when they were younger. They develop aches and pains and can have relationship issues.'

What can you do?

'Some people claim this is related to a drop in testosterone levels – but this is debatable,' says Peter Baker.
'The important thing is to have people you can talk to about your issues. You need to be open with friends and if necessary a health professional.'

Love to hear what you think!