Georgia Brown is Mensa's youngest genius ever.

Georgia Brown is Mensa's youngest genius ever. 

She can count, recognize colors and speak French with an IQ of 152. 

She's 2 years old.

5 Daily Random Facts #47 Did you know???

1. In 1948, the average price of a movie ticket was 36 cents.
2. Tropicana, Sierra Mist, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Gatorade and Aquafina are all owned by Pepsi.
3. ”Vampire Disease” is a real condition in which the sun causes people pain!
4. The muscles in the upper part of the face tend to move more when someone is lying.
5. Philophobia is actually the fear of being or falling in love.

The New USA 100 Dollar Bill’s Innovative Technologies Are Supposedly Uncounterfeitable

There are actually many new items in the new $100 bill in the USA. There is a little microtext found on the very collar of President Franklin, a golden quill with another minuscule writing next to his head, colour-changing numbers and signs as well as bells which change their shape to the number 100 when tilted to one side. There are also, of course, the usual watermark of the president and the intaglio next to his shoulders. These new technologies, as well as some who the authorities have left undisclosed we hope, are going to make the new $100 bill virtually unable to be counterfeited. There is a reason to make this, of course, but aren’t small changes the ones who usually get printed “at home”?

2. The Apple app store once sold an “I Am Rich” application – It cost $999.99 to purchase and did nothing.(video)

10 random facts #3 – The Apple app store once sold an “I Am Rich” application – It cost $999.99 to purchase and did nothing.

5 Daily Random Facts #41

1.  The sound we hear when we receive a new text message acts as a dopamine cue. This causes us to feel like we’re addicted to texting.
2. The original Mr. Potato Head was not a plastic potato. It was a kit with plastic parts that were meant to be stabbed in real potatoes.
3.  Cleopatra claimed pickles made her beautiful.
4.  The average human will spend one-third of their life asleep.
5. Lindsay Lohan sued E-Trade for $100 million in 2010 because of their commercial featuring a “milk-a-holic” named Lindsay.

19-year-old Nebraska girl Hannah Sabata got herself arrested after she flaunted $6,000 in cash from robbing a bank and the keys to a car she stole and posted the evidence on YouTube

19-year-old Nebraska girl Hannah Sabata got herself arrested after she flaunted $6,000 in cash from robbing a bank and the keys to a car she stole and posted the evidence on YouTube. The video was titled “Chick Bank robber.” “I just stole a car and robbed a bank. Now I'm rich, I can pay off my college financial aid and tomorrow i'm going for a shopping spree. Bite me. I love GREENDAY!” Sabata purportedly wrote in explaining the video. But at least she became popular on YouTube. The video has more than 1,000,000 views now.

Did You Know?!? 5 Daily Random Facts #46

1.  Astronomers suggest that 10 billion earth-like planets may exist in our galaxy.
2. Nearly 1 out of every 5 Americans are considered to be illiterate.
3. When cats hiss, they are instinctively reproducing the sounds of other dangerous animals such as snakes.
4. Humans were built to walk barefoot! That’s why most shoes are bad for your health!
5. The smell of freshly cut grass is actually the scent released by plants in distress.

5 daily random facts 1. Humans spend about 25 years of their life sleeping.

1. Humans spend about 25 years of their life sleeping.
2. In Colorado, it is illegal for a man to marry his wife’s grandmother.
3. In the U.S, female workers earn an average of 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.
4. With 21% of it’s population experiencing depression, France is the most depressed country in the world.
5. Older cats are likely to meow more because they may have some form of Alzheimers.

The position in which you sleep may reflect your personality!

5 daily random facts

1. Sitting close to the T.V. will not hurt your eyes!
2. In China, it is acceptable to walk into an IKEA store to relax and take a nap.
3. Three kisses a day can speed up and strengthen your metabolism.
4. South Korean scientists have created cats that glow in the dark!
5. If you inhale a pea, it’s possible for it to sprout and grow while in your lungs.

In a village on the Indonesian island of Jawa lives a real Lizard Boy!

In a village on the Indonesian island of Jawa lives a real Lizard Boy. All the boy’s body is covered with scales. The strange genetic abnormalities in people of this region have forced scientists to pay more attention to environmental areas.

A MAN who lost an arm in a horrible accident has had his stump transformed by a tattoo artist into the head of a dolphin.

His name is Heine Braeck, 33, a norwegian man who lost his hand in a train accident and hated his stump. So, he decided that his hand stump looks like a dolphin and asked a bulgarian tattoo artist to transform it into something unique. The tattoo artist ,called “Valio Ska”, spent over three hours to do the job. So that’s the reslut – an amazing realistic 3D tattoo, which covers the memory of the awfull accident.

Hollywood superstar Ashley Judd journeys through India to battle against HIV/AIDS.

Hollywood superstar Ashley Judd journeys through India to battle against HIV/AIDS. In her emotional journey, she meets those whose lives have been deeply affected by the disease.

Hollywood superstar Ashley Judd is on a mission. Far from her glamorous life in Hollywood, she is on a journey through India as the Global Ambassador for Youth AIDS, an initiative of Population Services International (PSI). Her first stop is Mumbai, a city of shocking contrasts where extreme poverty exists alongside enormous wealth. It’s a place where HIV/AIDS is rife. Ashley’s mission becomes a rollercoaster of emotions as she meets people whose lives have been deeply affected by HIV/AIDS people like Kausar, an HIV-positive single mother who now helps others who are also infected; and Geeta, who was kidnapped and sold into the Indian sex trade. In a culture where social taboos allow the disease to hide in the shadows, they relate their stories with remarkable candor. Ashley then recruits fellow Bollywood celebrities Shahrukh Khan, Sushmita Sen, and Akshay Kumar, all of whom want to play their part in the battle against HIV/AIDS. In her emotional journey through India, Ashley Judd touches and is touched by many lives, and dramatically changes one in the end.

Full details:

The main causes of liver damage are

The main causes of liver damage are

1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver.
Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'

Dear Microsoft, please change your slogan from "Your privacy is our priority" to "Your privacy is our Property".

Dear Microsoft, please change your slogan from "Your privacy is our priority" to "Your privacy is our Property".

Edward ‪#‎Snowden‬ exposed that Microsoft handed over encrypted messages key and Skype calls access to NSA

This explains Internet ExplorerSends information to NSA befor you are able to work with it.


What Did You Do All Day?


A man came home from work and found his five children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard.The door of his wife’s car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall.In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing.In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap, and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls.As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked:“What happened here today?’”She again smiled and answered, “You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world I do all day?”“Yes,” was his incredulous reply.She answered, ‘”Well, today I didn’t do anything".

It sounds like a diabolical conspiracy theory, the most evil company in the world Monsanto is killing off the bee population with their products

It sounds like a diabolical conspiracy theory, the most evil company in the world Monsanto is killing off the bee population with their products. The people were becoming aware, they knew if the bees die, we die. Monsanto managed to patent the seeds of life and their over 10 billion dollar a year industry was in danger of being exposed. They figured if we could genetically modify plants to resist our poisons, maybe we could do the same to the bees. Then we could start patenting life in general....Sounds like tin foil hat stuff right?

McDonalds Milkshakes use 50 chemicals including ethyl acetate, phenethyl alcohol and a solvent to "imitate" the flavor of a real strawberry.

McDonalds Milkshakes use 50 chemicals including ethyl acetate, phenethyl alcohol and a solvent to "imitate" the flavor of a real strawberry.

2. The FDA allows an average of 30 insect fragments, including rodent hair, per 100 grams of peanut butter.

3. Shellac is not only used to improve the shine of wood, it's also used to improve the shine of jelly beans.

4. The FDA allows bacteriophages (a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria) in lunch meat and hot dogs.

5. Chicken "nuggets" use pink paste processed with chemicals and bacteria, washed in ammonia and reflavored with more chemicals before being dyed.

6. Apparently there's a fair amount of hair in processed food (this one seemed a little hype-y to me; even the best of us lose hair while cooking).

7. Each can of coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, along with phosphoric acid to enable your body to tolerate that much sugar.

8. Fast food salads contain Propylene Glycerol (lettuce is soaked in a solution of water and P.G. to help keep it crispy).

9. Many fast food chicken items contain beef additives, listed as an "extract or essence," in order to enhance flavor.

10. "Processed" cheese contains 49% of additives, chemicals and flavorings

And a bonus #11: virtually all fast food is packed with GMOs -- primarily from canola oil and corn byproducts."

Source :

Hepatitis B Vaccine Discontinued After Three Newborn Babies Die


by Missy Fluegge

Families of three babies who died shortly after receiving their routine hepatitis B vaccine are mourning the loss of their children. The babies, vaccinated in Vietnam under the country’s National Expanded Program on Immunization, died on July 20 in the central province of Quang Tri, according to the report. [1]

The Vietnamese Health Department has since opted to discontinue the use of two vaccine lots in the entire country to protect other babies from a similar, tragic fate. According to officials, the vaccines were not expired and were properly stored. They were administered by a nurse with over twenty years of experience. [2]

On July 21, the nation’s health minister, Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, sent her condolences to the families of the deceased infants, ordering vaccine experts to investigate the tragedy. Preliminary investigations have identified anaphylactic shock as the cause of death. The chairperson of the vaccine program has asked parents to “keep calm” and continue vaccinating their children.

Health representatives have conducted damage control with home visits to the grieving parents, paying each family $377 and offering free medical care to the mothers at the hospital where their babies received the deadly vaccinations.

Source:,,, vaers.hhs,,,,,, and

Ditch the Toxic Sunscreen; Use Coconut Oil Instead:


Summer time is beach time, or at least poolside time. But if you want some protection form the sun’s UV rays, don’t always reach for toxic sunscreens. Instead, pack some extra virgin coconut oil along with your beach towel and umbrella.

That’s right, the same extra virgin coconut oil found in your kitchen pantry will do the trick to protect your skin – minus the toxicity from health-compromising ingredients. Coconut oil has been used as an effective sunscreen for thousands of years by indigenous, pacific islanders. Why slather toxic chemicals on your body when you can use non toxic coconut oil instead?

There are two types of UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun: UVA and UVB. UVA rays are primarily responsible for skin damage from excessive sun exposure that can lead to cancer and skin aging. However, although UVB rays can also cause damage and sunburn, they are necessary for your body to produce its own cancer protective vitamin D via the skin.

Sunlight is by far the optimal way to produce your vitamin D. Blocking UVB rays may inadvertently be increasing your cancer risk by blocking vitamin D absorption. Plus, sunscreen causes cancer through carcinogenic ingredients.

Avoid Toxic Sunscreens

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) approximately 75% of commercial sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that are linked to cancer and disrupt hormones.

Store bought sunscreens typically contain:

Retinyl palmitate, a known skin cancer hazard.

Oxybenzone, which disrupts hormones leading to cell damage and cancer.

Zinc and titanium nanoparticles are in colorless sun screen lotions.

Those and other chemicals rubbed on your skin are readily absorbed into your bloodstream and can be just as unhealthy and toxic as an oral dose.

Do YOU wear flip flops? They may be killing your feet. How Your Flip Flops Are Killing Your Feet:

Do YOU wear flip flops? They may be killing your feet.
How Your Flip Flops Are Killing Your Feet:

This summer staple might be a real health flop. Aside from the obvious lack of protection (meaning you're more vulnerable to dropped objects, stubbed toes and the like), your favorite pair could be seriously damaging your feet. "The feet are the foundation of your whole body. This is the base of the skeleton," says Jackie Sutera, a podiatrist in New York City. "It's a domino effect... the rest of your joints and bones have to compensate.” Like anything else, moderation is key: Slipping flip flops on by the pool or for a short jaunt likely won't cause any harm — the problems arise when your thongs become your go-to summer shoes. Sutera, along with Cary Zinkin, a podiatrist in Deerfield Beach Fla., and a spokesperson for the American Podiatric Medical Association, break down exactly what's happening to your foot when you slide into a pair.



There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.


One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”

The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying:

“Just take care of my eyes dear.”

This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations.

Life Is A Gift

Today before you think of saying an unkind word–
think of someone who can’t speak.

Before you complain about the taste of your food–
think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Before you complain about your husband or wife–
think of someone who is crying out to God for a companion.

Today before you complain about life–
think of someone who went too early to heaven.

Before you complain about your children–
think of someone who desires children but they’re barren.

Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn’t clean or sweep–
think of the people who are living in the streets.

Before whining about the distance you drive–
think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired and complain about your job–
think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another–
remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker.

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down–
put a smile on your face and thank God you’re alive and still around.

Life is a gift – Live it, Enjoy it, Celebrate it, and Fulfill it

This African craftsman is so talented at recycling old tires into shoes that he will even measure your feet and make a pair that fits your feet exactly, to the millimeter.

This African craftsman is so talented at recycling old tires into shoes that he will even measure your feet and make a pair that fits your feet exactly, to the millimeter.

When you have nothing you have to be creative

Good mobile phone etiquette is similar to common courtesy.

Good mobile phone etiquette is similar to common courtesy. Many people have clearly no idea about good mobile manners.

Cellphones are ubiquitous and research shows that although most users think they have good mobile manners, many people report being irritated or annoyed by the use of the phones in public places.

Clearly there's a lack of understanding of what is and isn't acceptable in terms of cellphone etiquette. Following is a list of do's and don'ts:

*Do respect those who are with you. When you're engaged face-to-face with others, either in a meeting or a conversation, give them your complete and undivided attention. Avoid texting or taking calls. If a call is important, apologize and ask permission before accepting it.

*Don't yell. The average person talks three times louder on a cellphone than they do in a face-to-face conversation. Always be mindful of your volume.

*Do be a good dining companion. No one wants to be a captive audience to a third-party cellphone conversation, or to sit in silence while their dining companion texts with someone. Always silence and store your phone before being seated. Never put your cellphone on the table.

*Don't ignore universal quiet zones such as the theater, church, the library, your daughter's dance recital and funerals.

*Do let voicemail do its job. When you're in the company of others, let voicemail handle non-urgent calls.

*Don't make wait staff wait. Whether it's your turn in line or time to order at the table, always make yourself available to the server. Making servers and other patrons wait for you to finish a personal phone call is never acceptable. If the call is important, step away from the table or get out of line.

*Don't text and drive. There is no message that is so important.

*Do keep arguments under wraps. Nobody can hear the person on the other end. All they are aware of is a one-sided screaming match a few feet away.

*Don't forget to filter your language. A rule of thumb: If you wouldn't walk through a busy public place with a particular word or comment printed on your T-shirt, don't use it in cellphone conversations.

*Do respect the personal space of others. When you must use your phone in public, try to keep at least 10 feet (three meters) between you and others.

*Do exercise good international calling behavior. The rules of cellphone etiquette vary from country to country.

Good cellphone etiquette is similar to common courtesy. Conversations and text exchanges have a tendency to distract people from what's happening in front of them. Cellphone users should be thoughtful, courteous and respect the people around them.

The Remarkable Acts of Heroism of Shavarsh Karapetyan:

The Remarkable Acts of Heroism of Shavarsh Karapetyan:

One cold morning on September 16th, 1976 he was doing his usual run along the dam in Erevan (Armenia), when a large trolleybus carrying 92 passengers lost control and flew off the road into the freezing water. During the impact, most of the passengers fell unconscious – the bus sank approximately 10 meters deep. Without a second of hesitation, Shavarsh leaped into the freezing water to rescue people.

Diving to the depth of 10 meters, Shavarsh used his feet to break the back window of the trolleybus. One by one, he saved 20 peoples’ lives (he actually pulled out more then 20, but not everyone made it). He spent nearly 20 minutes in the frigid water and accomplished 30 dives down to the wreck of the bus. His brother – Kamo Karapetyan – is also a swimmer, and took care of the injured people as Shavarsh brought them up to the surface.

Bystanders who watched Shavarsh bring people up to the surface said that his feet and back were full of glass shards. When later asked, what was the most horrifying part of this, Shavarsh replied by saying:

“I knew that I could only save so many lives, I was afraid to make a mistake. It was so dark down there that I could barely see anything. One of my dives, I accidentally grabbed a seat instead of a passenger... I could have saved a life instead. That seat still haunts me in my nightmares.”

After his 30th dive, Shavarsh lost consciousness. This courageous act has cost him dearly; he incurred heavy 2-sided pneumonia and blood contamination from the polluted water. Doctors were unsure if Shavarsh would ever recover. His life was hanging on by a thread while he stayed unconscious for 46 days. He finally recovered, but was never able to compete again. Today's experts agree that no one but Shavarsh could have done what he has done.

As if this wasn't enough for one man... On February 19th, 1985, Shavarsh just happened to be near a burning building, that had people trapped inside. He rushed in and started pulling people out without a second thought. Once again, he was badly hurt (severe burns) and spent a long time in the hospital.

Since 1993, Shavarsh has been living a simple life. He owns and operates a shoe shop in Moscow called “Second Breath”. Our hats off to you Shavarsh Karapetyan for being a true hero!

Share with everyone you know. This needs to be spread




Bottled water in your car is very dangerous!
People should not drink bottled
water that has been left in a car. The heat reacts with the chemicals in the plastic of the bottle which releases dioxin into the water.
Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue. So please
be careful and do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car.
Use a stainless steel canteen
or a glass bottle instead of plastic!

This information is also being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical
Center … No plastic containers in microwaves. No plastic water
bottles in freezers. No plastic wrap in microwaves.

Dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to cells in our bodies. Don’t freeze plastic bottles with water
in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently the Wellness
Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain
this health hazard.

We should not be heating food in the microwave using plastic containers…..
This especially applies to foods that contain fat.

The combination of fat, high heat and plastic releases dioxin
into the food.

Instead use glass, such as Pyrex or ceramiccontainers
for heating food… You get the same result, but without the dioxin.. So,
such things as TV dinners, instant soups, etc., should be removed from
their containers and heated in something else.

Paper isn’t bad but you don’t know what is in the paper. It’s safer to
use tempered glass, such as Pyrex, etc.

A while ago some of the fast food restaurants
moved away from the styrene foam containers to paper. The dioxin
problem is one of the reasons….

Plastic wrap, such as Cling film, is just as
dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave.
As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually
melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with
a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be share to anyone important in your life!

Climate Change Before And After

Climate Change Before And After: Witness the catastrophic effects of global warming over the past several decades in this generalized before and after photograph.

Isn't our environment also important !!!

To cut fuel costs, this airline won't hire men:

To cut fuel costs, this airline won't hire men:
Trying to slim down its spending, an Indian carrier vows to accept only female crew members because they weigh less.

Applicants wanting a job at GoAir, an Indian airline, face a new requirement: women only, please.

Men are out of luck, given management's plan to pare spending on fuel by hiring only female flight attendants, who on average weigh less than their male counterparts, the Times of India reports.

The decision is expected to save GoAir as much as 30 million rupees per year, or about $500,000. At issue is the decline in the Indian currency, which has slumped about 26% against the U.S. dollar in in the past two years.


IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal,

IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal, who was in news last week for clamping down on illegal sand mafia in Greater Noida, has been suspended.
This is the MEDAL which UP Govt has given her for doing her DUTY.

IAS Durga Shakti Nagpal suspended for a demolition that never was.
LUCKNOW: IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal, who took on the powerful sand mafia in Noida, was hurriedly suspended for demolishing the wall of a religious structure, which was dubbed a rash act that could have led to riots. But the 28-year-old sub-divisional magistrate of Gautam Budh Nagar never demolished the wall of any religious structure, according to reports the DM has submitted to the UP government.

In a system full of corruption this is the reward a person gets after doing an honest duty.

Originally, we all had brown eyes. But about 10,000 years ago, someone who lived near the Black Sea developed a genetic mutation that turned brown eyes blue.

Originally, we all had brown eyes. But about 10,000 years ago, someone who lived near the Black Sea developed a genetic mutation that turned brown eyes blue. While the reason blue eyes have persisted remains a bit of a mystery, one theory is that they act as a sort of paternity test. “There is strong evolutionary pressure for a man not to invest his paternal resources in another man’s child,” says the lead author of a study on the development of our baby blues. Because it is virtually impossible for two blue-eyed mates to create a brown-eyed baby, our blue-eyed male ancestors may have sought out blue-eyed mates as a way of ensuring fidelity. This would partially explain why, in a recent study, blue-eyed men rated blue-eyed women as more attractive compared to brown-eyed women, whereas females and brown-eyed men expressed no preference.




(And free from chemicals that poison the body)


1/2 litre of alcohol
100 gram of whole cloves
100 ml of baby oil or similar (almond, sesame, chamomile, lavender, fennel etc)

Leave cloves to marinate in alcohol four days
Stir every morning and evening
After 4 days add the oil
It's now ready to use.

How to use:

Gently rub a few drops into the skin of the arms and legs.
Observe the mosquitoes fleeing the room.
Repels fleas on pets too.

Share with others.

Chocolate Makes Everything Better

When You Dont Take The Hint

Working Up an Appetite

I Want To Inside Me

Meanwhile, at Walmart…

She Didn’t Return the Favor

Damn You, Michelle!

Fine. You Asked For It…

For Extra Clarity

Phil Likes Big…

Please, Don’t

Trick Question

German police save stuffed toy penguin

Pity the poor officers working at Heidelberg police headquarters. Rushing to save a stranded penguin floating down the Neckar river, it was only after a full-scale rescue operation had been mounted that they realised the terrible truth…

It was a stuffed penguin. On a piece of ice. Bobbing down the river.
Presuming it was an animal who’d escaped from a nearby zoo, several passers-by called in to let them know a penguin was stranded in the river – despite it being pretty obvious it wasn’t the real deal.
After all, how many penguins have you seen standing stock still for hours at a time?
“It was someone’s idea of a joke about the freezing weather,” explained one officer. Quite what the joke is, we’re not sure, but there you go.
(source) subbmited by John Smith (USA)

99% of MALES will be looking with envy at this lucky Guinea pig!

99% of MALES will be looking with envy at this lucky Guinea pig!

If you look at the sun RIGHT NOW, you are technically looking back in time.

If you look at the sun RIGHT NOW, you are technically looking back in time. It takes eight minutes for light from the sun to reach Earth.
Therefore, the image of the sun in the sky outside your window at this moment is actually what the sun looked like about eight minutes ago.

Australia is the safest country for zombie attacks

That’s according to the staff of LiveScience who conducted a global survey of the best “Safe Zones” in case of zombie outbreak and Australia topped the list. The USA, Canada, Kazakhstan and Russia rounded up the top five. The countries were graded according to their global location, topography, weapon access, population and “military preparedness.”

Police in Nigeria Held A Goat On Suspicion Of Attempted Armed Robbery

A Romanian model, Ioana Spangenberg, 30, has a tiny 50cm waist, 81cm hips and weighs 38kg

Ioana Spangenberg, 30, tips the scales at a minuscule 38kg, but claims her diet is consistent with a woman twice her size.

She says that nobody believes her , but every day she eats three big meals and snacks on chocolate and crisps all the time.
With a 50cm waist and 81cm hips, Ioana’s hourglass figure – which she says she’s had since a teen – causes a lot of controversy. The Romanian model claims that when she was 13 her waist was around 38 cm! This means that if someone put their hands around it, their fingers would touch and they would still have extra room.
In 2006 she met her german husband who encoured her to become a model and to make money from her figure. Altough she become very popular for her tiny waist, she still wants to gain some weight, so her figure becomes less shocking.