Mind Blowing – “Doubting Thomas”

Incredible art from Patricia Piccinini’s artist page. Here is a caption from the artist:

Doubting Thomas, 2008

The story of ‘Doubting Thomas’ was a popular theme for European artists during the renaissance and baroque. The story is from the New Testament of the the bible, and describes how the apostle Thomas, upon being told of Christ’s resurrection demanded to touch the wounds themselves before he would believe that it had happened. In English, a ‘doubting thomas’ has come to mean a real sceptic, one who refuses to believe without absolute proof, even when to everybody else the truth is obvious.

For more incredlible art like this visit ===> Patricia Piccinini’s artist page  <<< ===

Detail: Doubting Thomas (2008) Silicone, fibreglass,human hair, clothing, chair 90 x 100 x 53cm

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