Georgia Brown is Mensa's youngest genius ever.

Georgia Brown is Mensa's youngest genius ever. 

She can count, recognize colors and speak French with an IQ of 152. 

She's 2 years old.

5 Daily Random Facts #47 Did you know???

1. In 1948, the average price of a movie ticket was 36 cents.
2. Tropicana, Sierra Mist, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Gatorade and Aquafina are all owned by Pepsi.
3. ”Vampire Disease” is a real condition in which the sun causes people pain!
4. The muscles in the upper part of the face tend to move more when someone is lying.
5. Philophobia is actually the fear of being or falling in love.

The New USA 100 Dollar Bill’s Innovative Technologies Are Supposedly Uncounterfeitable

There are actually many new items in the new $100 bill in the USA. There is a little microtext found on the very collar of President Franklin, a golden quill with another minuscule writing next to his head, colour-changing numbers and signs as well as bells which change their shape to the number 100 when tilted to one side. There are also, of course, the usual watermark of the president and the intaglio next to his shoulders. These new technologies, as well as some who the authorities have left undisclosed we hope, are going to make the new $100 bill virtually unable to be counterfeited. There is a reason to make this, of course, but aren’t small changes the ones who usually get printed “at home”?

2. The Apple app store once sold an “I Am Rich” application – It cost $999.99 to purchase and did nothing.(video)

10 random facts #3 – The Apple app store once sold an “I Am Rich” application – It cost $999.99 to purchase and did nothing.

5 Daily Random Facts #41

1.  The sound we hear when we receive a new text message acts as a dopamine cue. This causes us to feel like we’re addicted to texting.
2. The original Mr. Potato Head was not a plastic potato. It was a kit with plastic parts that were meant to be stabbed in real potatoes.
3.  Cleopatra claimed pickles made her beautiful.
4.  The average human will spend one-third of their life asleep.
5. Lindsay Lohan sued E-Trade for $100 million in 2010 because of their commercial featuring a “milk-a-holic” named Lindsay.

19-year-old Nebraska girl Hannah Sabata got herself arrested after she flaunted $6,000 in cash from robbing a bank and the keys to a car she stole and posted the evidence on YouTube

19-year-old Nebraska girl Hannah Sabata got herself arrested after she flaunted $6,000 in cash from robbing a bank and the keys to a car she stole and posted the evidence on YouTube. The video was titled “Chick Bank robber.” “I just stole a car and robbed a bank. Now I'm rich, I can pay off my college financial aid and tomorrow i'm going for a shopping spree. Bite me. I love GREENDAY!” Sabata purportedly wrote in explaining the video. But at least she became popular on YouTube. The video has more than 1,000,000 views now.

Did You Know?!? 5 Daily Random Facts #46

1.  Astronomers suggest that 10 billion earth-like planets may exist in our galaxy.
2. Nearly 1 out of every 5 Americans are considered to be illiterate.
3. When cats hiss, they are instinctively reproducing the sounds of other dangerous animals such as snakes.
4. Humans were built to walk barefoot! That’s why most shoes are bad for your health!
5. The smell of freshly cut grass is actually the scent released by plants in distress.